(a) Experimental setup for awake, in vivo two-photon calcium imaging in Syngap1 crossed with Thy-1 Gcamp6s4.3 mice, with and without Botox injection. (b-c) Representative in vivo two-photon microscopy images (left) and ΔF/F traces (right) of spontaneous activity in 9 (1-9) neurons of L2/3 SSC of WT and Het Syngap1 X Thy-1 Gcamp6s4.3 mice, without (b) and with (c) Botox. ROI number 10 is the neuropil signal. Asterisks indicate detected calcium events (blue for WT, red for Het). (d-f) Cellular sensory properties from awake WT and Het mice without and with Botox injection. (d) Scatter plot showing fraction of spontaneously active cells in WT and Het mice (2-way RM-ANOVA, Genotype: F(1, 14) = 0.29, p = 0.60, Treatment: F(1,14) = 0.034, p = 0.86, Interaction: F(1, 14) = 0.012, p = 0.92; WT n=8 mice, Het n=8 mice). (e-f) Cumulative probability plots of ΔF/F amplitudes (e; KS Tests: WT/Botox- vs. Het/Botox-, p= 3.38E-7; WT/Botox+ vs. Het/Botox+, p=0.0002; WT/Botox- vs. WT/Botox+, p= 0.67; Het/Botox- vs. Het/Botox+, p= 0.078; WT: nBotox-=1622 neurons, nBotox+ = 1827 neurons; Het: nBotox- = 1667 neurons, nBotox+ = 1600 neurons) and spike counts (f, KS Tests, WT/Botox- vs. Het/Botox-, p= 1.82E-7; WT/Botox- vs. WT/Botox+, p= 7.99E-6; WT/Botox- vs. Het/Botox+, p= 2.87E-8; Het/Botox- vs. Het/Botox+, p= 0.99; WT/Botox+ vs. Het/Botox+, p=0.24). (g) Whisking behavior in head-fixed Syngap1 mice (Fraction of time whisking: Unpaired t-test t(12)=7.493, p= 7.0E-6; WT n=7 mice, Het n=7 mice. Bout frequency: Unpaired t-test t(12)=6.298, p= 4.0E-5; WT n=7 mice, Het n=7 mice. Mean bout duration: Unpaired t-test t(12)=0.8714, p=0.40; WT n=7 mice, Het n=7 mice). Data were pooled from two independent cohorts of animals and thus obtained from 2169 neurons in 56 imaging planes from 8 WT mice; 1971 neurons in 55 imaging planes from 8 Het mice. In scatter plots, open circles are animal means, black lines indicate population means, and error bars indicate SEMs. ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001 for cumulative probability plots. All statistical tests were two-sided.