Figure 10.
Preliminary findings indicated P7C3–A20 administration altered neuroglia profiles in the hippocampal hilus 6 weeks after FPI. A) Qualitative observations showed Iba1-positive activated microglia and macrophage cells in the ipsilateral hippocampal hilus had varying activation states according to treatment paradigm. P7C3–A20 administration 30 min post TBI was associated with a greater proportion of Iba1-postive cells exhibiting the alternative M2-like phenotype relative to the TBI control group, and comparable to phenotypic observations in sham animals. Yellow arrows show highly-ramified resting state cells (M2-like). Yellow arrowheads indicate ameboid, hyperactivated cells (M1-like). B) GFAP-immunoreactivity was used to visualize astrogliosis 6 weeks after moderate FPI. GFAP-positive cells in the TBI-vehicle group appeared to have greater staining intensity (area demarcated by white box) and increased branching (red arrows). TBI P7C3–A20-treated animals, however, had astroglia morphology resembling that of sham animals.