Figure 5.
P7C3–A20 administration was neuroprotective in vulnerable ipsilateral cortical regions 1 week post TBI. (A and B) Representative NeuN-stained images of vehicle- (A) and P7C3–A20-treated (B) animals. Selective neuronal loss was observed in the cortical region overlying the contusion site. Treatment with P7C3–A20 significantly reduced NeuN-positive cell loss. Boxes in A, B enclose the areas of neuronal loss. Arrows indicate subcortical lesion. C) Quantification of NeuN-positive cells between treatment groups revealed a significant neuroprotective effect of P7C3–A20 1 week post injury (Student’s t-test: p = 0.015, t = 2.695; *p < 0.05; scale bar, 500 m); n=20. (Blaya et al., 2014).