Figure 6.
Confocal micrographs showing BrdU- and NeuN-immunoreactive cells within the DG 5 weeks after TBI. A) Representative fluorescent images showing cells that colabeled for BrdU and NeuN in the ipsilateral DG (scale bars, 200 μm). Boxed regions outline the areas of higher magnification shown in bottom row of (A). B) Representative micrographs from a TBI-P7C3–A20 animal showing several cells coexpressing markers for BrdU and NeuN (arrows) in the ipsilateral DG. Double-labeled cells in P7C3–A20 animals appeared to migrate out of the SGZ into more superficial layers of the DG, consistent with neuronal maturation profiles (GCL, granular cell layer; SGZ, subgranular zone; scale bar, 10 μm). (Blaya et al., 2014).