Table 1.
This table is a summary of previous studies that have looked at various endpoints when different perioperative interventions have been used in breast cancer surgery. Recurrence-Free Survival (RFS), General Anesthesia (GA), Paravertebral Block (PVB), Disease-free (DFS), Local regional recurrence (LRR), distant recurrence-free survival (DRFS), breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) and overall survival (OS). SHAM: Sham block group
Study Topic | Study | Year | Study Type | Study Groups | Total patients (n) | Breast Cancer Type and/or Surgery | End Points | Hazard Ratio (CI) or other statistical measures |
Paravertebral block and breast cancer survival | Exadaktylos | 2006 | Retrospective | GA + PVB analgesia vs GA + opiod-based analgesia | 129 | Palpable breast lesion, extesnsive breast surgery with axillary node clearance | RFS | RFS: adjusted 0.21 [0.06, 0.71]). |
NSAIDS and recurrence | Forget | 2010 | Retrospective | NSAIDs versus no NSAIDS | 327 | Masectomy with axillary node dissection | RFS | unadjusted:.41 (0–1.19, 95%) adjusted: .37 (0–.79, 95%) |
Quality of Recovery with paravertebral block in breast surgery | Li | 2011 | Prospective | GA vs GA plus ultrasound-guided PVB | 40 | Unilateral modified radical mastectomy | Quality of Recovery (QoR) | QoR postoperative 6 hr . (p<.0001), POD1 p=0.0079 |
Paravertebral blocks and postoperative pain, nausea | Aufforth | 2012 | Retrospective | PVB vs no PVB | 337 | Primary breast cancer surgery | Postoperative pain and nausea | No difference in morphine equivalents (P = 0.234) or in pain scores (P = 0.521) between the 2 groups in the PACU; no difference in amount of morphine equivalents given on POD0 (P = 0.8); no difference in postoperative nausea (p= .746) |
Intraoperative NSAID vs no intraoperative NSAIDs and preoperative neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio | Forget | 2014 | Retrospective | NSAIDs vs no NSAIDS | 720 | Conservative Breast Cancer Surgery | DFS, OS | DFS: .57 (0.37–0.89), OS: .35 (0.17–0.70) |
Sevoflurane vs propofol | Enlund | 2014 | Retrospective | Propofol vs sevoflurane | 2838 (2168 Breast) | Breast cancer or colorectal cancer surgery | OS | Univariate: 0.84 (0.65–1.08), Multivariate: 1.31 (.93–1.91) |
Paravertebral blocks and postoperative pain, nausea | Fahy (Aodhnait) | 2014 | Retrosepctive | PVB vs no PVB | 526 | Masectomy +/− reconstruction | Discharge from hospital within 36 h, length of stay in the PACU, opioid and antiemetic use on POD0 and POD1 | Need for any postoperative antiemetic was less frequent in the PVB group (39 vs. 57 %, p<0.0001). Day of surgery opioid use was lower in the PVB group than the non-PVB group (mean ± SD 40.1 ± 15.2 vs.47.6 ± 17.7 morphine equivalents, p<0.0001). proportion of patients discharged within 36 h of surgery was significantly higher in the PVB group (55 vs. 42 %, p = 0.0031). |
Immune infiltration in paravertebral vs general anesthesia | Desmond | 2015 | Randomized Control | Propofol-paravertebral anesthetic with continuing analgesia or a balanced general anaesthesia with opioid analgesia | 30 | Surgery for primary breast cancer | Immune cell infiltration: CD56 (NK cells), CD4 (T helper cells), CD8 (T suppressor cells) and CD68 (macrophages) | CD56 lower in GA (p=0.015), CD4 lower in CA versus PPA (p=0.03), CD8 (p=0.24), CD68 (p=0.74) |
Local and regional anesthesia on breast cancer recurrence rates | Starnes-Ott | 2015 | Retrospective, observational cohort | Outpatient procedures with paravertebal block with GA vs GA alone | 358 | 0-III breast cancer patients | Recurrence | 1.84 (95% CI, 0.34–10.08). |
Propofol vs desflurane on immune cells | Woo | 2015 | Prospective, randomized | Patients receiving propofol vs desflurane | 40 | Patients undergoing undergoing mastectomy, axillary node dissection or wide local tumor excision | Th1/Th2 ratio (IL-2/IL4) on the first postoperative day was primary enpoint | Both propofol and desflurane anesthesia preserved the IL-2/IL-4 and CD4+ /CD8+ T cell ratio. |
Paravertebral and intraoperative/postoperative opioid | Pei | 2015 | Randomized, Controlled, Single-Center | Ultrasound assisted thoracic paravertebral block with propofol versus sham subcutaneous local anesthetic followed by GA with fentanyl and sevoflurane | 247 | Unilateral breast cancer resection | Volatile anesthetic dose, intraoperative ffentanyl and propofol doses, intensity of most severe surgical site pain in first two hours post op (VAS score) | Propofol dose [mg]: ratio of mean 2.6 (CI 98.75% 2.2,3.1), Sevoflurane consumption .35 (.30,.30); Intraoperative fentanyl .38 (.32,.44), VAS for pain .79 (.64,.97) all have p values <.001 |
Local and regional anesthesia and recurrence rates in breast cancer | Tsigonis | 2016 | Retrospective | Local and regional anesthesia vs GA | 1107 | 0-III breast cancer patients | OS,DFS,LRR | OS: .81 (.59–1.10), DFS: .91 (.55–1.76), LRR (1.73 (.83–3.63) |
Paravertebral blocks and survival | Cata | 2016 | Retrospective | GA + PVB analgesia vs GA + opioid-based analgesia | 792 | Nonmetastatic breast cancer, breast cancer surgery | OS, RFS | Matched multivariate RFS [1.60 (0.81–3.16); OS 1.28 (0.55–3.01) |
Propofol vs sevoflurane | Lee | 2016 | Retrospective | Patients undergoing modified radical masectomy receiving propofol or sevoflurane | 363 | Modified Radical Masectomy | RFS, OS | RFS: Univariate: .550 (.311–.973), Multivariate: .478 (.265–.862); OD: NSD (p=.383) |