Survey of coverage for the hypothalamus or its various regions by published transcriptomic, proteomic and peptidomic studies listed in Tables 1–3. (A) Choropleth flatmap of the rat central nervous system (CNS), modified from Swanson (2004) [423], illustrating the various major CNS subdivisions, including the hypothalamus. Note the legend at the upper left, which indicates directions of orientation (A, anterior; P, posterior; D/L, dorsal/lateral; V/M, ventral/medial). The chart to the right of the flatmap in (A) lists the % of total studies reported in each of the tables in this review (Tables 1–3) that conducted transcriptomic, proteomic, or peptidomic studies of the whole hypothalamus, respectively. (B–D) A breakdown, by hypothalamic region, of the percentage of studies in which a particular region was sampled for analysis, with choropleth flatmaps in B showing all hypothalamic regions analyzed by transcriptomic analyses, in C showing all proteomic studies, and in D all peptidomic studies. The percentage ranges are coded by colors and reflect percentages of the total number of studies listed in each table. Note that although rat brain flatmaps are used here, the studies are across many different taxonomic groups, including fish, chicken, goose, cow, pig, sheep, shrew, mouse, rat, guinea pig, hamster, dog and human. Therefore, the maps are meant to be convenient vehicles to convey a sense of the amount of coverage in the literature for any particular region, differences in their neuroanatomy or cytoarchitectural boundaries notwithstanding. Note also that for many shaded regions, the smaller abbreviations have been removed for sub-regions, to emphasize that studies did not sample at that level of resolution. Thus, the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) may have been sampled, but the LHAjvv was not. Conversely, although large areas are shaded, in certain cases only a few cell types were specifically mined from the region rather than the region sampled as a whole, but this is not reflected in the diagrams. For explanation of all abbreviations, please see abbreviations list. The flatmaps from Swanson (2004) [423] (and available at are reproduced here under the conditions of a Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license (