Gender |
ASSISTments does not ask users to self-report gender. Gender is determined by comparing a user’s first name to a global name database from which gender is inferred. Gender may be set to “Unknown” if a user’s name is not found in the database. |
Grade level |
The student’s grade level. Although the Skill Builder used in the experimental methodology was designed for grade 8 students, any grade level teacher could freely assign the Skill Builder. For example, a teacher might have assigned it to challenge advanced students in lower grade levels, to provide practice for grade 8 students, or to review the relevant prior knowledge of students in higher grade levels. |
Prior Skill Builder count |
The number of prior ASSISTments Skill Builders a student has started to answer. |
Prior Skill Builder completion percentage |
The number of prior ASSISTments Skill Builders that a student completed out of all the Skill Builders he/she started. |
Prior problem count |
The number of prior individual ASSISTments problems that a student has answered. |
Prior problem correctness percentage |
The percentage of ASSISTments problems that a student has answered correctly out of all problems he/she answered, prior to participation in the studies. |