Figure 6.
Interface Mutations that Impair Signaling Also Impair Filament Formation
(A) Representative electron micrographs of MDA5 filament interface mutants in the presence of 1 kb dsRNA, 1 mM AMPPNP, and 5 mM MgCl2. Scale bars, 100 nm. Residue numbers refer to mouse MDA5.
(B) Table summarizing the filament formation activity, filament length, cell-signaling activity, and ATPase activity of selected MDA5 mutants. ATPase activities were calculated from the initial slopes of the curves in Figure 5D and is expressed as moles of released phosphate per mole of MDA5 per second (MPi MMDA5−1 s−1).
Residue numbers refer to mouse MDA5. For mutants with different residue numbers in human MDA5, the corresponding mutation is shown in human residue numbers at the bottom. n.d., not determined. See also Figures S5 and S7.