Figure 1.
Experimental Method for Field Experiments
(A) Field sites in North Sweden (Ramsta), South Sweden (Ullstorp), and UK (Norwich). At the Swedish sites, plants were grown in trays bedded in the soil in the field. In Norwich, the plants were grown inside an unlit, unheated greenhouse with air-inlets, in trays bedded in vermiculite, ensuring the containment of transgenic lines while the plants still experienced natural conditions.
(B) Example of sowing and sampling setup in the field experiments, showing the Norwich site 2014–2015. The temperature profile is shown together with the dates of sampling. Above the temperature plot, the approximate plant size throughout the experiment is shown, together with the tissues that were collected in the samples depending on the plants’ size (outlined in red), and the number of plants collected for each replicate. In Norwich, when plants were larger, only the youngest tissues were harvested, as indicated. 6 replicate samples were taken per time point, though some were lost in processing or unusable due to environmental factors, e.g., mudslides.
See also Table S6.