Table 1.
Policy documents and other mandates detailing the roles and responsibilities of NGOs, IOs and UN agencies in responding to a DBE.
Document name | Year published |
Non-governmental Organizations | |
International Conferences of the Red Cross Commentary on the First Geneva Convention | 1949 |
Médecins Sans Frontières Charter | 1971 |
Resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | 2011 |
Non-United Nations International Organizations | |
Chemical Weapons Convention, Articles IX-X | 1997 |
INTERPOL Constitution | 1956 |
Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons | 2010 |
International Organization for Migration Constitution | 1954 |
World Organization for Animal Health Organic Statutes | 1924 |
World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility Framework | 2017 |
United Nations | |
Biological Weapons Convention | 1975 |
Biological Weapons Convention Conference VI | 2006 |
Convention to Establish a Customs Co-operation Council | 1952 |
Constitution of the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 1945 |
Cooperative Arrangement for the Prevention of Spread of Communicable Disease through Air Travel | 2007 |
Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Infectious Diseases | 2016 |
International Health Regulations | 2005 |
Memorandum of Understanding, World Health Organization & the United Nations | 2011 |
Memorandum of Understanding, World Organization for Animal Health & the United Nations | 2012 |
Milan Plan of Action | 1985 |
United Nations Charter, Chapter VII | 1945 |
United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution 1989/56 | 1989 |
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Statute | 1985 |
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action | 1998 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 204 (III) | 1948 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 428 (V) | 1949 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 802 (VIII) | 1953 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1714 (XVI) | 1961 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 40/32 | 1985 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 42/37C | 1987 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 44/72 | 1989 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/182 | 1991 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/283 | 2001 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 56/195 | 2002 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 57/150 | 2003 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 58/153 | 2004 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 59/276 | 2005 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/124 | 2006 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/198 | 2007 |
United Nations General Assembly Resolutions Establishing UNICEF | 1946 |
United Nations Security Council Resolution 620 | 1988 |
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540∖ | 2004 |
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1673 | 2006 |
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1810 | 2008 |
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1977 | 2011 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 34.26 | 1981 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 46.6 | 1933 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 48.2 | 1995 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 55.16 | 2002 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 58.1 | 2005 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 59.22 | 2006 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 64.10 | 2011 |
World Health Assembly Resolution 65.20 | 2015 |
World Health Organization Constitution | 1948 |
World Health Organization Emergency Response Framework | 2017 |