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. 2018 Dec 27;4(12):e01091. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e01091

Table 1.

Policy documents and other mandates detailing the roles and responsibilities of NGOs, IOs and UN agencies in responding to a DBE.

Document name Year published
Non-governmental Organizations
 International Conferences of the Red Cross Commentary on the First Geneva Convention 1949
 Médecins Sans Frontières Charter 1971
 Resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2011
Non-United Nations International Organizations
 Chemical Weapons Convention, Articles IX-X 1997
 INTERPOL Constitution 1956
 Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons 2010
 International Organization for Migration Constitution 1954
 World Organization for Animal Health Organic Statutes 1924
 World Bank Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility Framework 2017
United Nations
 Biological Weapons Convention 1975
 Biological Weapons Convention Conference VI 2006
 Convention to Establish a Customs Co-operation Council 1952
 Constitution of the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1945
 Cooperative Arrangement for the Prevention of Spread of Communicable Disease through Air Travel 2007
 Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Infectious Diseases 2016
 International Health Regulations 2005
 Memorandum of Understanding, World Health Organization & the United Nations 2011
 Memorandum of Understanding, World Organization for Animal Health & the United Nations 2012
 Milan Plan of Action 1985
 United Nations Charter, Chapter VII 1945
 United Nations Economic and Social Council Resolution 1989/56 1989
 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Statute 1985
 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action 1998
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 204 (III) 1948
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 428 (V) 1949
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 802 (VIII) 1953
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1714 (XVI) 1961
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 40/32 1985
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 42/37C 1987
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 44/72 1989
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/182 1991
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/283 2001
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 56/195 2002
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 57/150 2003
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 58/153 2004
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 59/276 2005
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/124 2006
 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/198 2007
 United Nations General Assembly Resolutions Establishing UNICEF 1946
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 620 1988
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 2004
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1673 2006
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1810 2008
 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1977 2011
 World Health Assembly Resolution 34.26 1981
 World Health Assembly Resolution 46.6 1933
 World Health Assembly Resolution 48.2 1995
 World Health Assembly Resolution 55.16 2002
 World Health Assembly Resolution 58.1 2005
 World Health Assembly Resolution 59.22 2006
 World Health Assembly Resolution 64.10 2011
 World Health Assembly Resolution 65.20 2015
 World Health Organization Constitution 1948
 World Health Organization Emergency Response Framework 2017
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure