Table 1.
Components of the Function Focused Care for Assisted Living Intervention (FFC-AL).
Components | Function-Focused Care Intervention |
Component I: Evaluation of Intraindividual Factors | • Comprehensive baseline evaluation using an approved assessment for residents (e.g., Maryland Assisted Living Functional Assessment), the Person-Environment Fit assessment and input from social work and therapists and nursing staff as relevant. |
• Training of a facility identified Function-Focused Care Coordinator to maintain function-focused care at the end of the study. | |
• Evaluation and management of factors that influence function and physical activity such as anemia and vitamin D deficiency. | |
Component II: Interpersonal Factors |
• Education of staff, residents, and families about the value of physical activity and how to integrate physical activity into all routine care activities. |
• Self-efficacy-based motivational interventions for staff, residents, and families to motivate all to engage in function-focused care activities. | |
• Self-efficacy-based motivational interventions for staff, residents, and families to motivate all to engage in function-focused care activities. | |
• Development of short- and long-term goals with residents. | |
• Development of long-term goals with residents written on a Goal Attainment Scale. | |
• Evaluation of residents’ perspective of their social supports for physical activity. | |
Component III: Environment and Policy Assessments | • Comprehensive evaluation of the indoor/outdoor environment to optimize function and physical activity of residents and make recommendations to changes. |
• Review of facility policies and philosophies with facility owners/managers/staff to alter these to facilitate a focus on optimizing function and physical activity (don’t allow the use of wheelchairs in the dining room so all have to at least transfer to a dining room chair). |