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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2019 Feb;47(2):345–357. doi: 10.1007/s10802-018-0453-3

Table 5.

Path Estimates for Structural Models of Maternal Depression, Big Five, and Offspring Behavior Problems Rated by Teachers

B (β) SE B 95% CI B (β) SE B 95% CI B (β) SE B 95% CI
Direct Effects
Group (O-MD = 1) to Int. .36 (.44) .08 [.19, .51] −.15 (−.13) .13 [−.40, .08] −.28 (−.23) .12 [−.52, −.05]
Group to Slope .01 (.06) .03 [−.05, .08] −.07 (−.31) .03 [−.12, −.01] −.04 (−.54) .03 [−.10, .003]
Group to INT .05 (.05) .17 [−.29, .36] −.002 (−.002) .15 [−.33, .24] −.25 (−.22) .21 [−1.34, −.05]
Group to EXT .15 (.07) .32 [−.50, .75] .04 (.02) .31 [−.74, .44] −.82 (−.40) .47 [−2.72, −.29]
Intercept to INT −.01 (−.01) .23 [−.45, .44] −.09 (−.10) .11 [−.30, .12] .05 (.05) .13 [−.20, .31]
Slope to INT .68 (.12) 1.59 [−1.58, 4.22] −.76 (−.14) 1.52 [−4.94, .98] −7.26 (−.53) 3.36 [−18.13, −4.08]
Intercept to EXT .38 (.15) .47 [−.45, 1.47] −.60 (−.36) .25 [−1.24, −.21] −.39 (−.23) .27 [−.96, .08]
Slope to EXT 1.39 (.13) 4.72 [−3.79, 17.22] −3.14 (−.32) 4.32 [−19.99, −.07] −22.58 (−.91) 8.05 [−43.04, −13.95]
Indirect Effects
Group to INT via Int. −.003 (−.003) .08 [−.17, .17] .02 (.01) .02 [−.01, .09] −.01 (−.01) .04 [−.12, .04]
Group to INT via Slope .01 (.01) .06 [−.04, .21] .10 (.04) .10 [−.04, .37] .32 (.28) .21 [.10, 1.48]
Group to EXT via Int. .14 (.07) .19 [−.14, .63] .09 (.05) .09 [−.02, .36] .11 (.05) .08 [−.001, .35]
Group to EXT via Slope .02 (.01) .16 [−.11, .68] .30 (.10) .30 [.003, 1.50] 1.00 (.49) .49 [.43, 3.11]
Openness to Experience
B (β) SE B 95% CI B (β) SE B 95% CI
Direct Effects
Group to Intercept −.11 (−.09) .12 [−.34, .13] .19 (.17) .12 [−.06, .41]
Group to Slope −.02 (−.06) .03 [−.08, .05] .03 (.18) .03 [−.03, .09]
Group to INT .05 (.04) .13 [−.21, .29] .03 (.03) .15 [−.29, .29]
Group to EXT .33 (.16) .21 [−.05, .80] .32 (.16) .29 [−.14, 1.01]
Intercept to INT −.08 (−.08) .13 [−.33, .18] .02 (.02) .12 [−.20, .29]
Slope to INT .10 (.03) .58 [−1.11, 1.06] .68 (.10) 1.89 [−2.22, 5.85]
Intercept to EXT. .27 (.15) .17 [−.03, .64] −.07 (−.04) .20 [−.42, .37]
Slope to EXT −.13 (−.02) 1.43 [−3.50, 2.16] −.52 (−.04) 4.26 [−13.29, 5.29]
Indirect Effects
Group to INT via Int. .01 (.01) .02 [−.02, .09] .004 (.004) .03 [−.04, .08]
Group to INT via Slope −.002 (−.001) .02 [−.07, .02] .02 (.02) .08 [−.04, .34]
Group to EXT via Int. −.03 (−.01) .04 [−.16, .03] −.01 (−.01) .05 [−.15, .05]
Group to EXT via Slope .002 (.001) .05 [−.08, .16] −.02 (−.01) .18 [−.87, .13]

Notes: Standardized coefficients are listed in parentheses. Group is coded 0 = O-HC and 1 = O-MD. Abbreviations: INT = Internalizing problems; EXT = Externalizing problems; MDD = maternal depressive disorder; Int = Intercept.