Figure 5.
The conditional expression of mouse Met transgene and homozygous Pten deletion induces a gene signature pattern that is associated with tumor progression. A, heat map of representative gene sets that are altered in PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 and H11Met/+/PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 tumors. B, qRT-PCR validation of the gene expression in PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 and H11Met/+/PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 tumors. The data are presented as the mean ± S.D. (error bars) for three independent samples. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. C, immunohistochemical analysis of SPP1 (C1 and D1), FN1 (C2 and D2), and N-cadherin (C3 and D3) expression in prostate tumors of PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 and H11Met/+/PtenL/L:PB-Cre4 (D1–D3) mice.