Extended Data Figure 9 |. Erasure of the silent state during diploid formation and meiosis requires interallelic pairing.
a, Biological replicate of the cross shown in Fig. 4a. cen::ade6+ mlo3∆ ade6+-OFF cells were crossed to cen+ ago1∆ epe1∆ ade6+-ON cells, followed by random spore analysis. Number and phenotype of mlo3+ progeny with the indicated genotypes and phenotypes (red = OFF, white = ON) are shown. mlo3∆ progeny were excluded. n, number of meiotic progeny analyzed. b, Mating of a ura4∆::10XtetO-ade6+ epe1∆ OFF allele with an identical OFF allele, followed by diploid formation and sporulation (meiosis) produces progeny in which the OFF state is maintained at a high frequency (47%). Repeated twice. c, Mating of the ura4∆::10XtetO-ade6+ epe1∆ OFF allele with a genetically identical ON allele results in erasure of the OFF state in nearly all of the resulting meiotic progeny. Repeated twice. d, Partial disruption of pairing by replacement of ura4∆::10XtetO-ade6+ with ura4+ partially restores the epigenetic maintenance of the OFF state. Repeated once.