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. 2018 Dec 31;13(12):e0209218. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209218

Table 2. Patient results and comparison values for quantitative questionnaires.

Measure Scale comparison values All patients N = 21
Correlation with acuity (best-eye BCVA) (r) 7 Means for vision loss subgroups 8
n = 8
n = 8
n = 5
Everyday Visual Function
    NEI-VFQ-25 (full scale) 1
100 = no difficulty
0 = maximum difficulty
–.47* 50.0 48.4 39.5
    Item A6 (face identity) 2 100 = no difficulty
0 = maximum difficulty
–.58** 43.8 34.4 10.0
    Item Q11 (expression) 3 100 = no difficulty
0 = maximum difficulty
–.37 66.7 59.4 31.3
Depression (GDS-15) 4
0–4 = normal
5–9 = mild depression
10–15 = moderate to severe depression
+.12 4.8 3.9 5.2
Anxiety (GAI) 5 0 = minimum anxiety level
≥ 11 indicates Generalised
Anxiety Disorder
+.45* 2.3 2.6 6.8
Quality of Life (MacDQoL)
AMD-related change 6
+3 = improved QoL
0 = no impact of AMD
–9 = maximum reduction
–.41 -3.7 -3.1 -5.4


1 Composite score on NEI-VFQ-25 (National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Functioning Questionnaire Interviewer Administered Format plus Appendix) is the average of the vision-targeted subscale scores, excluding the general health rating question [21].

2 NEI-VFQ-25 Item A6 = ‘Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have recognizing people you know from across a room?’

3 NEI-VFQ-25 Item Q11 = ‘Because of your eyesight, how much difficulty do you have seeing how people react to things you say?’ For this question N = 18 as three patients did not answer (P6 and P18 said they did not know and P7 said it depends on distance).

4 Cut-offs from [34], GDS [29].

5 Cut-off to identify Generalised Anxiety Disorder in older adults from [30].

6 MacDQoL [10] measures macular-degeneration-associated change in quality of life (QoL), assessed across 23 domains. Scores are weighted impact score, calculated by multiplying patients' rating for AMD-change (–3 = maximum reduction in ability in that domain to +1 = improvement) by their rating of importance of that domain to them (0 to 3), and averaging across the 23 items (or fewer if a domain did not apply to patient, e.g., work).

7 Correlation directions (with acuity expressed as logMAR) are such that worsening visual acuity is associated with worse everyday visual function (negative r), increasing anxiety and depression (positive r), and poorer quality of life (negative r). For comparison of correlation to zero (two-tailed)

** = p < .01

* = p < .05

= p < .07

8 Mild, moderate and severe vision loss groups, defined by best eye high-contrast visual acuity (BCVA, Table 1) using ICD-10 criteria [26] (see Method).