Figure 1:
The proposed SS-FSE sequence. This sequence occurs in three modules. The hrst (shaded red) module is the Stejskal-Tanner diffusion preparation. Flowever, at the end of the diffusion preparation, the transverse magnetization is dephased along z, and then tipped back onto longitudinal axis with a water-only spectral-spatial pulse. The initial dephasing gradient is combined with the slice-select refocusing gradient. The second stage is the spoiling stage, where the spoiler on Gy dephases any remaining transverse magnetization with many cycles of phase. The third phase is a CPMG SS-FSE echo train. Flowever, the echo is recalled after the refocusing RF pulse by rephasing the gradient. The signal is dephased again after acquiring the echo and the signal is refocused yet again. After the echo is acquired, the signal is rephased along Gz. The additional dephasing/rephasing are added to the crushers on Gz to minimize echo spacing as the voxel dimension is much bigger in z than in either x or y. The rephasing crushing is represented by adding to the dephasing gradient area to the right refocusing RF crushers. Conversely, the dephasing is achieved by subtracting from the left refocusing RF crushers. Time points that refer to simulations for Figure 3 are also included for reference.