Effect of transient hyperthermia on ring-stage artemisinin susceptibility of P. falciparum (3D7). A. Ring-stage survival (proportion of control) of DHA pulse-treated parasites transiently incubated at normothermic and hyperthermic temperatures. The data represent 15 RSA survival estimates, with 3 technical replicates for each timepoint above 37 °C. P value from two-sided t-test between 40.2 °C (n = 3) and 37 °C (n = 6) (mean difference 7.73% survival; 95% CI 6.56–8.90% survival; 7 d.f.).B. Effects of temperature modulation on parasite proliferation in the absence of drug. Relative drug-free parasitaemia measured 72 h post-invasion as a percentage of the parasitaemia of replicates incubated at 37 °C. Each data point in A and B represents the mean of at least three biological replicates at each temperature, each performed in technical duplicate, with standard error. Each technical replicate enumerates at least 100,000 gate-stopping events by flow cytometry.C. Effects of transient (3–7 h post-invasion) incubation at hyperthermic conditions on parasite susceptibility to a 48-h exposure to chloroquine.
Mean of at least three biological replicates is shown with standard error.