Fig. 5.
Decadal timescale trends in the Southern Ocean. Time series of SON seasonal anomalies relative to 2004–2017 climatology averaged over 50–65°S from gridded Argo float data for a temperature (°C) at 100-m depth showing a linear trend of +0.08 °C decade−1, r2 value of 0.41, significant at the 1% level; b temperature (°C) at 300-m depth showing a linear trend of +0.05 °C decade−1, r2 value of 0.40, significant at the 1% level; c temperature (°C) at 2.5-m depth showing a linear trend of +0.08 °C decade−1, r2 value of 0.28, significant at the 5% level, with the low r2 value associated with the step increase of temperature in SON 2016; d mixed-layer depth (m) showing a linear trend of 0.5 m decade−1 with an r2 value near zero