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. 2018 Oct 15;97(1):302–314. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky399

Table 3.

Predicted production and absorption of VFA in the hindgut (in vivo–in vitro methodology) of pigs fed the control, flaxseed meal and oat hulls diets (n = 8)

Item Diet1 SEM P
Control FM OH
Hindgut VFA produced by in vitro fermentation methodology (mmol/kg DM incubated)2
Acetic 2438c 4342a 2787b 79.9 <0.001
Propionic 954c 1875a 1438b 84.1 <0.001
Butyric 202c 795a 416b 15.4 0.034
Valeric 211b 604a 220b 14.9 0.008
Predicted hindgut VFA production (mmol/kg DM intake) (in vivo–in vitro technique)3
Acetic 346c 759a 416b 18.0 0.041
Butyric 29b 142a 61b 16.1 0.025
Propionic 135c 332a 211b 12.8 <0.001
Valeric 30b 107a 35b 3.0 0.038
Predicted VFA absorbed from the hindgut (mmol/kg DM intake) (in vivo–in vitro technique)4
Acetic 340c 751a 414b 14.7 0.004
Butyric 27c 140a 60b 4.2 <0.001
Propionic 135c 330a 199b 11.6 0.028
Valeric 29b 105a 32b 2.9 0.013
Predicted apparent VFA absorption in the hindgut (%) (in vivo–in vitro technique)5
Acetic 97.7b 98.4a 96.9c 0.23 <0.001
Butyric 89.8c 97.1a 92.9b 0.94 0.012
Propionic 96.5b 98.2a 96.7b 0.22 <0.001
Valeric 98.4a 98.8a 96.6b 0.45 0.003

a,b,cMean values within a row with unlike superscripts differ (P < 0.05). Mean values with their pooled standard errors (n = 8 per treatment).

1FM = flaxseed meal-containing diet; OH = oat hulls-containing diet. The predicted production and absorption of VFA were determined according to Montoya et al. (2016).

2The hindgut production of VFA in pigs was determined after in vitro fermentation of freeze-dried ileal digesta with fecal inoculum for 36 h at 37 °C.

3The predicted hindgut production of VFA in pigs was estimated based on the VFA produced after in vitro incubation of ileal digesta with a fecal inoculum corrected for the ileal flow of DM.

4The quantity of VFA absorbed in the hindgut was obtained after adding the VFA entering (ileal concentrations) and produced (estimated based on in vitro incubation of ileal digesta) in the hindgut, and then subtracting the excreted VFA (fecal concentrations).

5The apparent absorption in the pig hindgut was calculated based on the ratio between the predicted amount of VFA absorbed from the hindgut and the sum of the VFA entering (ileal concentrations) and produced (predicted based on an in vitro assay) in the hindgut.