miR-342-3p suppresses the proliferation of OSCC cells by inhibiting LASP1. (A) Western blot analysis of LASP1 expression following transfection with miR-342-3p and pcDNA3.1-LASP1 for 48 h in Tca8113 and SCC-9 cells. α-tubulin was used as a loading control. (B) CCK-8 assay and (C) BrdU-incorporation assay of Tca8113 and SCC-9 cells following transfection with miR-342-3p and pcDNA3.1-LASP1 for 24 h. (D) LASP1 expression in Tca8113 and SCC-9 cells co-transfected with antagomiR-342-3p and LASP1 siRNA was measured by western blot analysis. α-tubulin was used as a loading control. Effects of silencing LASP1 on the proliferation of Tca8113 and SCC-9 cells with/without antagomiR-342-3p transfection were determined by the (E) CCK-8 assay and (F) the BrdU-incorporation assay. The mean ± SD of triplicate measurements are shown in all plots. *P<0.05. miR, microRNA; OSCC, oral squamous cell carcinoma; LASP1, LIM and SH3 protein 1; CCK-8, Cell Counting kit-8; BrdU, 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine; SD, standard deviation; NS, not significant; NC, negative control; siRNA, small interfering RNA.