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. 2018 Nov 25;15(12):2636. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15122636

Table 1.

Descriptive analysis of risk factors according to the residence area (proximal versus reference).

Variable Reference Area Proximal Area Total p
n % (or mean ± SD) n % (or mean ± SD) n % (or mean ± SD)
Gender 1.000
 Men 54 54.00 50 54.95 104 54.45
 Women 46 46.00 41 45.05 87 45.55
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Age 100 45.13 ± 15.03 91 47.31 ± 15.13 191 46.17 ± 15.08 0.320
BMI (categorical) 0.049
 Normal 34 34.00 19 20.88 53 27.75
 Overweight 42 42.00 37 40.66 79 41.36
 Obese 24 24.00 35 38.46 59 30.89
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
BMI (continuous) 100 27.39 ± 4.60 91 29.16 ± 5.27 191 28.23 ± 5.00 0.014
Pack-years 98 9.43 ± 16.44 89 8.98 ± 17.84 187 9.22 ± 17.07 0.858
Occupational Exposure 0.039
 NO 67 67.00 47 51.65 114 59.69
 YES 33 33.00 44 48.35 77 40.31
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Cardiovascular comorbidity 0.762
 NO 67 67.00 59 64.84 126 65.97
 YES 33 33.00 3291 35.16 65 34.03
 Total 100 100.00 100.00 191 100.00
Respiratory symptoms in childhood 0.221
 NO 82 82.00 67 73.63 149 78.01
 YES 18 18.00 2491 26.37 42 21.99
 Total 100 100.00 100.00 191 100.00
Family history of respiratory diseases 0.008
 NO 72 72.00 70 76.92 142 74.35
 YES 28 28.00 21 23.08 49 25.65
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Wood heating 0.008
 NO 58 58.00 32 35.96 90 47.62
 YES 42 42.00 57 64.04 99 52.38
 Total 100 100.00 89 100.00 189 100.00
Employed 0.083
 NO 50 50.00 34 37.36 84 43.99
 YES 50 50.00 57 62.64 107 56.02
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Metabolic comorbidity 1.000
 NO 72 72.00 66 72.53 138 43.98
 YES 28 28.00 25 27.47 53 56.02
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Distance from the main road running through the valley (buffer 500 m) <0.0001
 Near 4 4.00 33 36.26 37 19.37
 Far 96 96.00 58 63.74 154 80.63
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00
Employed in Industry 0.004
 NO 90 90.00 67 73.63 157 82.20
 YES 10 10.00 24 26.37 34 17.80
 Total 100 100.00 91 100.00 191 100.00

Notes—N: number; SD: standard deviation; BMI: body mass index. Acute myocardial infarction or ischemic heart disease, stroke or transient ischemic attack, obliterative arterial disease of the lower limbs, deep vein thrombosis, and embolism were considered as cardiovascular comorbidity. Jaundice, liver disorders or colic, liver failure, hepatitis, high cholesterol and/or triglycerides in the blood, diabetes were considered as metabolic comorbidities.