Core C-terminal ZBTB38 ZF residues involved in mCpG recognition.
A, interactions between Asn-1052, Lys-1055, and Glu-1079 with the core T8:A29, mC9:G28 and G10:mC27 base pairs. Black dotted lines represent classical hydrogen bond interactions, and blue dotted lines represent water-mediated hydrogen bonds. Electron densities (2Fo-Fc) contoured at 1σ are shown. B, binding isotherms demonstrating the impact of mutating the T8:A29 base pair on the ability of ZBTB38 ZFs 6–9 to recognize its DNA target. Each data point represents the average of triplicate data, with error bars depicting ± S.D. C, interaction of Leu-1077 with 27mC. Glu-1079 is shown to provide a context for the Leu-1077:mC27 interaction. The red dotted line represents a van der Waals interaction, and the black dotted lines represent classical hydrogen bond interactions. Electron densities (2Fo-Fc) contoured at 1σ are shown. A and C were prepared using PyMOL. D, binding isotherms demonstrating a reduction in binding capability with the L1077A variant relative to the WT. Note that the binding curve for ZBTB38 ZFs 6–9 with the mCZ38BS from Fig. 1D has been replotted in B and D for comparison purposes. M denotes methylated cytosine. Each data point represents the average of triplicate data, with error bars depicting ± S.D.