Soluble Siglec-14 blocks the cooperation between membrane-bound Siglec-14 and TLR2.
A, co-immunoprecipitation (IP) of membrane-bound Siglec-14 and TLR2. B, effect of soluble Siglec-14 on IL-8 production by Siglec-14/THP-1 stimulated with Pam3CSK4, a TLR1/2 agonist. Experiments were repeated nine times (biological nonuplicates), and each value is plotted. Error bars represent standard deviation. The dataset was analyzed by one-way ANOVA to test the differences among groups, and post hoc pairwise mean comparison was conducted using Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test. ****, adjusted p < 0.0001. C, effect of soluble Siglec-14 and anti-TLR2 blocking antibody on IL-8 production by Siglec-14/THP-1 stimulated with Pam3CSK4. Experiments were repeated nine times (biological nonuplicates), and each value is plotted. Error bars represent standard deviation. The dataset was analyzed by two-way ANOVA to test the differences among groups, and post hoc pairwise mean comparison was conducted using Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test. ****, adjusted p < 0.0001; ***, 0.01 < Adjusted p < 0.001.