Gossypol, but not orlistat, ursolic acid, folic acid, and tosufloxacin, is toxic to cultured cerebellar granule cells at 50 μM. Representative images of cerebellar granule cells treated only with vehicle DMSO (control), or treated with 50 μM LeX mimetic compounds and stained with calcein-AM (green) and propidium iodide (red). Bar diagram shows percentage of viable cells (mean + SEM, 36 images captured from nine wells carried out in three independent experiments) treated with different concentrations of the mimetics or treated only with vehicle DMSO (control). Asterisk signifies differences between the vehicle control group and the LeX mimetic compound-treated group as determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s PLSD test (F = 140.61, p < 0.0001; PLSD *p < 0.05). Scale bar, 20 μm