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. 2019 Jan 2;9(1):10. doi: 10.1007/s13205-018-1553-z

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Detection of p68 gene integration in transformed soybean plants. a PCR analysis of transformed soybean plants (T1) for the presence of p68 gene. Lane 1, Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA ladder marker, ready to use (#SM0313); lane 2, pCAMBIA1300-p68 as a positive control; lanes 3, 4,14, 15 and 17, transformed soybean plants (S1, S2, S12, S13 and S15) lane 20, non-transformed (NT) soybean plants genomic DNA as a negative control. b Dot blot analysis of transformed soybean plants (T1). Five transgenic lines showing strong positive signal marked in white circles (S1, S2, S12, S13 and S15) genomic DNA; P-pCAMBIA1300-p68 as a positive control; N-non-transformed (NT) soybean genomic DNA. c Southern blot analysis of transformed soybean plants (T1). lane 1, pCAMBIA1300-p68 gene as a positive control; lanes 2–6, transformed soybean plants (S1, S2, S12, S13 and S15) genomic DNA; lane 7, non-transformed (NT) soybean genomic DNA