Figure 3.
Pearson's correlation coefficients between clinical test scores (x-axis; i.e., Timed Up-and-Go test [TUG], 10-m walking test at comfortable and maximum walking speed [10MWT-CWS, 10MWT-MWS], Tinetti Balance Assessment [TBA], 7-item Berg Balance Scale [BBS] and Functional Reach Test [FRT]) and Interactive Walkway outcome measures (y-axis; i.e., gait characteristics of unconstrained walking [UW1-7], outcome measure of adaptive walking [OA1-3, SSS1-3, GDS1-4, NWW1-3, SA1-4, S1-2, T1-3], and outcome measures of dual-task walking [DT1-4]) in people with Parkinson's disease. The order of the outcome measures on the axes is in agreement with Table 3. The dotted black lines separate the three types of Interactive Walkway tasks (i.e., unconstrained walking, adaptive walking, and dual-task walking). The colorbar provides a visualization of the strength and direction of the correlation.