Plasma amino acid concentrations at baseline, before, and after the 8 × 50 m high-intensity interval swimming test in the AA (amino acids supplemented) and PL (placebo) trials. (A) Branched-chain amino acids, trial effect: p < 0.001; time effect: p < 0.001; interaction effect: p < 0.001. (B) Tryptophan, trial effect: p = 0.821; time effect: p < 0.001; interaction effect: p = 0.383. (C) Tryptophan/branched-chain amino acids ratio, trial effect: p < 0.001; time effect: p < 0.0001; interaction effect: p < 0.001; * Significantly different from the baseline in the same trial, p < 0.05; † AA trial vs. PL trial at the same time point, p < 0.05. Pre-Ex: before 8 × 50 m swim test; Post-Ex: immediately after 8 × 50 m swim test.