Figure 7.
The combination of propranolol and DCA enhances the effects of standard of care therapeutic modalities and sensitizes chemoradioresistant cells to cisplatin and radiation. Colony-forming assay results and representative images of mEERL (A,B) and MLM3 cells (C,D) treated with propranolol (40 µM) and/or DCA (10 mM) concurrent with 2 µM cisplatin and 8 Gy X-ray radiation (Cis/XRT). NT = not treated with Cis/XRT. Values reflect % colony number (top) or % average colony diameter (bottom) relative to untreated controls. Each value represents mean +/- SEM of n = 4 independent biological replicates; p-values reflect t-test results (* p ≤ 0.05 comparing NT vs. Cis/XRT in the same column (e.g., DCA NT vs. DCA Cis/XRT); † p ≤ 0.003 vs. control cells in the same row (e.g., Control NT vs. DCA NT); # p ≤ 0.01 vs. DCA-treated cells in the same row; (e.g., DCA Cis/XRT vs. Pro Cis/XRT); @ p ≤ 0.02 vs. propranolol-treated cells in the same row (e.g., Pro Cis/XRT vs. Pro/DCA Cis/XRT)).