Figure 2.
(a) TEM image of G1 arborescent PS-g-P2VP micelles. Crystallites of Fe3O4 NPs synthesized in the presence of (b) linear P4VP chains at 50 °C, (c) G1 at 50 °C and (d) G1 at 80 °C. (e) SAED for G1@Fe3O4 with assignment of diffraction rings to the Bragg peaks for Fe3O4. (f) TGA curves for pure G1 template (green, dotted), a mixture of dry G1 and Fe3O4 (blue, long dash) and G1@Fe3O4 (red, solid). (g) Weight loss (red, ) and differential of the weight loss curve (blue, ●) for G1@Fe3O4.