Figure 2.
Crystal structure of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii thioredoxin f2 (CrTRXf2). (A–C) Three rotated projections of the crystal structure of CrTRXf2. The main chain is drawn as cartoon, colored from blue (amino-terminus) to red (carboxy-terminus). Side chains of the 37WCGPCK42 motif are drawn as sticks. The protein surface is displayed in transparent light gray. (D–F) Side chains of the 37WCGPCK42 motif and of electropositive residues conserved in (D) CrTRXf2 and (E) Spinacia oleracea SoTRXf, but not in (F) CrTRXh1, are shown as sticks on the cartoon-drawn main chain.