Phylogenetic relationships among 18 Atta members as reconstructed in the majority-rule consensus tree obtained with the Bayesian analyses. Three Acromyrmex species were used as the outgroup. The three-box grid associated with each internode indicates support obtained with the three sets of analyses: Bayesian analyses using MrBayes and maximum likelihood analyses obtained with PASTA and RAxML. Black boxes indicate relationships supported with posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95, SH-like local support values ≥ 80% or bootstrap support ≥ 70% in all three approaches; white boxes indicate resolved internodes in all analyses but with posterior probabilities < 0.95, SH-like local support values < 80% or bootstrap support < 70%; blue boxes indicate cases of unsupported conflict (i.e., posterior probabilities < 0.95, SH-like local support values < 80% or bootstrap support < 70%) when comparing the maximum likelihood trees to the Bayesian tree; and red boxes indicate significant conflict with posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95, SH-like local support values < 80% or bootstrap support ≥ 70% when comparing the maximum likelihood trees to the Bayesian tree. Cases of conflict occur when internodal support is not applicable because the branch was not recovered by the analyses (not present in the majority-rule consensus tree with all compatible groupings included; 1% threshold). Numerical support values are indicated inside the boxes. Taxon names highlighted in bold and marked with a ‘#’ indicate ‘hormigas culonas’ sampled from the Colombian bag. Triangle at branch tips represent collapsed clades of the same species. The full tree can be found in Figure S1.