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. 2018 Oct 30;3(1):201–221. doi: 10.1210/js.2018-00130

Table 2.

Genetic Diagnoses in 19 Patients With CYP11A1 Mutations

Subject No. Genomic Coordinates and Nucleotide Change (Genome Assembly GRCh37.p13) cDNA Position and Nucleotide Change (Transcript NM_000781) Protein (Prediction) dbSNP/HGMD (if Annotated) Alleles Present in gnomAD; Number Sequenced in gnomAD; MAF gnomAD Predicteda and/or Tested Consequence Segregation Country Sequencing Method
All 74635368C>T 940G>A E314K rs6161 710; 277190(4 homozygotes);0.002561 Missensea/skipping of exon 5 = p.A277Dfs*11 Yes Various Various
Variants in trans with rs6161
 1 74635318C>T 990G>A T330 = NA Not seen;0 Silenta/skipping of exon 5 p.A277Dfs*11 and NMD Yes United Kingdom WES
 2 74635473delT 835delA I279Yfs*10 rs757299093/CD050132 7; 277156;4.061e-6 Early stopa Yes United Kingdom HaloPlex
 3 74631031G>A 1315C>T R439* rs755975808 2; 277174;7.216e-6 Early stopa Yes Spain HaloPlex
 4 74631641G>A 1173C>T (ND) S391 = rs751829641 6; 277178;2.165e-5 Silenta/skipping exon 7 = p.L387Hfs*29 ND United Kingdom HaloPlex
 5A 74632081A>G 1004T>C L335P NA Not seen;0 Missensea Yes France HaloPlex
 5B 74632081A>G 1004T>C L335P NA Not seen;0 Missensea Yes France HaloPlex
 6 74637586T>C c.426-2A>G exon 3 skip rs754329273 2; 245202;8.157e-6 Skipping of exon 3a, resulting in p.K142Nfs*3 ND United Kingdom HaloPlex
 7 74631076G>A 1270C>T R424* rs762412759 5; 277032;1.805e-5 Truncation/NMDa ND United Kingdom HaloPlex
 8A 74636157_74636169del c.790_802del K264Lfs*5 NA Not seen;0 Early stopa Yes United Kingdom HaloPlex
 8B 74636157_74636169del c.790_802del K264Lfs*5 NA Not seen;0 Early stopa Yes United Kingdom HaloPlex
 8C 74636157_74636169del c.790_802del K264Lfs*5 NA Not seen;0 Early stopa Yes United Kingdom HaloPlex
 9 74631658T>C c.1158-2A>G exon 7 skip NA Not seen;0 Skipping of exon 7 resulting in p.L387Hfs*29a ND Turkey HaloPlex
 10A 74640308G>A c.358C>T R120* NA 2; 246224;8.123e-6 Early stop ND United Kingdom HaloPlex
 10B 74640308G>A c.358C>T R120* NA 2; 246224;8.123e-6 Early stop ND United Kingdom HaloPlex
 11A 74635473delT c.835delA I279Yfs*10 rs757299093/CD050132 7; 277156;4.061e-6 Early stopa Yes Australia WES
 11B 74635473delT c.835delA I279Yfs*10 rs757299093/CD050132 7; 277156;4.061e-6 Early stopa Yes Australia WES
 11C 74635473delT c.835delA I279Yfs*10 rs757299093/CD050132 7; 277156;4.061e-6 Early stopa Yes Australia WES
 12 74637444dupG c.566dupC S191Lfs*10 NA Not seen;0 Early stop ND Canada CYP11A1 sequencing
 13 74630968G>A c. 1378C>T R460W rs535782968 2; 246170;8.124e-6 Missensea ND United Kingdom CYP11A1 sequencing

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; ND, not determined, WES, whole exome sequencing.


Predicted consequence of variant at protein level.