Fig. 4.
Cellular localization of pNFκB expression in vlPAG after BCP. Immunofluorescence triple staining of pNFκB (a, f, k), GFAP (b), Neun (g), CD11 (l), and DAPI (c, h, m) in vlPAG at day 12 after BCP showed that all pNFκB, glial cells, and neurons express DAPI + cells (d, i, n). Scale bar in (k): 100 μm. Immunofluorescence triple staining of high-magnification images were indicated in the white boxes of (d, i, n), and mainly co-localized with GFAP (e) and Neun (j), but not with microglia in BCP rats (o). Scale bar in (o): 50 μm.Aq, aqueduct. n = 4