Figure 2.
Mild changes in intrinsic membrane properties after CSD in vivo. ( A ) There was a small but significant depolarization in the RMP of Layer 2/3 pyramidal cells 30 min after CSD. (* P = 0.02; paired t -test). Membrane potential before (5 min) and after (60 min) this time point was not significantly different from baseline. Control recordings with no CSD induction (“30 min control”) suggest that this depolarization is not artifactual to the whole-cell preparation. ( B ) There was a significant increase in rheobase 5 min (** P = 0.004, paired t -test) but not 30 or 60 min after CSD. There was no change in input resistance, or in AP frequency to increasing current injection, at any time point after CSD (see text for details). For 5 and 30 min time points after CSD, values were compared for the same neuron before and after CSD; >60 min comparisons were between 2 cells, one patched before and one after CSD in the same animal. 5 min post-CSD: 8 cells, 8 mice; 30 min post-CSD: 6 cells, 6 mice; >60 min data: 2 × 5 cells (5 mice), control data: 5 cells (5 mice).