Figure 2.
Salmonella requires an intact XBP-1 pahway for efficient replication. (A) Graph comparing the MFI of infected cells. The MFIs of both cells types were similar at early time points (1 and 4 hours pi). When the bacteria enter the log phase replication, the XBP-1−/− cells show much lower MFI values than XBP-1+/+ cells. The mean mCherry MFI values±SEM are shown (n=3) and analysis of variance was performed (p<0.0001) with Tukey’s multiple comparison post-test to determine if there were significant differences between individual groups (***p<0.001). (B) The fold difference in the MFI of the XBP-1+/+/XBP-1−/− cells at the various time points pi. (C) Recovery of viable bacteria from infected cells shows similar differences between the XBP-1+/+ and XBP-1−/− cells at 8 and 24 hours pi. The mean fold differences in cfu values (n=5 or 6)±SEM are shown. The MannWhitney test was used to compare cfu recoveries. Recoveries between XBP-1+/+ andXBP-1-/- cells and exact p values calculated (* P = 0.015 and ** P=0.031). cfu, colony-forming unit; MEFs, mouse embryonic fibroblasts; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; pi, postinfection.