Fig 2. alc/AMPKβ is required for maintenance of dendritic branching in Class-IV sensory neurons.
(A) Representative images of Class-IV pickpocket (ppk)>GFP-expressing neurons from abdominal segment A2 in control (top) and alc-RNAi knockdown third-instar larvae. Individual neurons are outlined. Arrowheads point to beaded morphology of dendrites characteristic of reduced alc. (B) Quantification of total dendrite length (mm) in both feeding (n = 10) and wandering (n = 3) third-instar larvae shows a significant decrease in total dendrite length when alc is knocked down in class-IV neurons. (C-E) Quantification shows no significant change in neuronal area (mm2) (D); however, knockdown of alc decreases both dendritic branching order (C) and branch number (E). Quantification performed using the TREES Matlab toolbox. For controls, lines were crossed to w1118. Error bars indicate SEM. Unpaired T-test was used to determine statistical significance: *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001, versus the control.