Figure 4.
Elimination of Kif15 resulted in accelerated axonal extension in developing Rohon-Beard sensory neurons.
(A) Axon extension in developing R-B neurons in kif15 heterozygotic and homozygotic mutants compared to wildtype siblings. Arrows show growth cone position at 29 hpf. Arrow heads show real time growth cone positions. GFP signals are shown in white pseudo color.
(B) Schematic diagram of measurement of axon extension.
(C) Statistical results of axon extension velocity of R-B neurons in kif15+/+, kif15ntu201/+ and kif15ntu201/ntu201 zebrafish embryos. The data were presented as mean±S.E.M. The variance was tested using one-way ANOVA, with F=57.32 and P<0.0001. ** indicates a p < 0.01 and *** indicates a p < 0.001 in Student’s t-test (n=9, data were collected from 9 individuals of each genotype, where one axon was measured for each animal).