Figure 2.
RNA splicing of GIT1 is associated with clinical NEPC tumors. A, RISH probes targeting the exons 7/8 or exons 7/9 junction were created to detect GIT1‐A or GIT1‐C, respectively, in a human CRPC TMA (n = 64 cores). TMA was stained against CHGA, SYP, CD56, AR and PSA by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Columns in the heatmap represent one of 64 cores. One representative core from each of the histologically diagnosed AdPC (n = 52), AdNC (n = 6), and SCNC (n = 6) cores is shown. Scale bars represent 25 μm. B‐C, Cores were grouped according to their histopathology report, and their respective RISH scores were plotted to present the (B) percentage of cores containing the same RISH score (Pearson's χ2 test) or (C) average RISH score within each tumor subtype (one‐way ANOVA; ***P < 0.001; ns, non‐significant). D, RISH scores from each core were plotted with respect to the number of positive NE markers within the same core (Pearson's r correlation). AdNC, adenocarcinoma prostate cancer with neuroendocrine cells; AdPC, prostate adenocarcinoma; CRPC, castration‐resistant prostate cancer; GIT1, G‐protein‐coupled receptor kinase‐interacting protein 1; NE, neuroendocrine; RISH, RNA in situ hybridization; SCNC, small‐cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer; TMA, tissue microarray