Figure 5.
Opa interacting protein 5‐antisense RNA 1 (OIP5‐AS1) functions as a competing endogenous RNA of sex‐determining region Y‐box 2 (SOX2). A, Wild‐type (wt) 3′ UTR of SOX2 sequence with the micro RNA (miR)‐129‐5p binding site and the mutant (mut) sequence SOX2 in which the binding site was mutated. B, Luciferase assays in MDA‐MB‐231 cells transfected with miR‐129‐5p together with wt‐SOX2 or mut‐SOX2. C, Western blot for SOX2 expression in MDA‐MB‐231 and SK‐BR‐3 cells transfected with sh‐OIP5‐AS1 lentivirus or negative control (sh‐NC). D, Western blot for SOX2 expression in MDA‐MB‐231 and SK‐BR‐3 cells with upregulation of miR‐129‐5p or Coi. **P < .01, n.s., no significant difference