(A) Top: Schematic of experimental design. Bottom: Representative heatmaps of individual Z scores during stimulation trials.
(B) Z score averages of stimulation (green) and no-stimulation (red) trials (data represent means ± SEM).
(C) Mean AUC in the vNAcMed during stimulation (green) and no stimulation (red; *** p < 0.001; data represent means ± SEM).
(D-F) Same as in (A-C) but for NAcLat (data represent means ± SEM).
(G) Schematic of experimental design, which involves infusion of D1 (SCH23390 [SCH]) and D2 (raclopride [RAC]) receptor antagonists in to the vNAcMed and optogenetic stimulation of LHVGLUT2 terminals in the VTA.
(H) Trajectories of animals that received SCH and RAC infusion into the vNAcMed and LHVGLUT2 terminal stimulation in VTA.
(I) Mean time spent in non-stimulated minus stimulated side for different experimental conditions (one data point outside axis limits; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01; data represent means ± SEM).
(J) Mean total distance animals traveled during the experiment (data represent means ± SEM).