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. 2018 Dec 15;59(4):E282–E300. doi: 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2018.59.4.964

Tab. II.

Knowledge of breast cancer, its early symptoms, and its risk factors among female senior secondary school students in State Government-owned schools of Otuocha Educational Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria.

S/N Description Agree
Total scores**
(average: 1 to 3)
Correct scores*
(% of average)
A. General knowledge on breast cancers (Q10, Part 3 of Questionnaire)
1 Breast cancer is a common cause of cancers deaths among Nigerian women (n = 318) 242 (76.1)* 53 (16.4) 24 (7.5) 854 (2.69) 726 (85.0)
2 Any woman aged ≥20 can develop breast cancer (n = 317) 179 (56.5)* 88 (27.8) 50 (15.8) 763 (2.41) 537 (70.4)
3 Breast cancer is transmissible (n = 314) 56 (17.8) 100 (31.8) 158 (50.3)* 730 (2.32) 474 (64.9)
4 BSE can help detect and prevent breast cancers (n = 316) 209 (66.1)* 64 (20.3) 43 (13.6) 798 (2.53) 627 (78.6)
Totals 3,145 (2.49) 2,364 (75.2)
B. Knowledge of Risk Factors For Breast Cancers (Q8, Part 3 of Questionnaire)
5 Early onset of menstruation; < 11 years (n = 316) 49 (15.5)* 140 (44.3) 127 (40.2) 554 (1.75) 147 (26.5)
6 Late onset of menstruation; > 16 years (n = 314) 37 (11.8) 164 (52.2) 113 (36.0)* 704 (2.24) 339 (48.2)
7 Having no babies at all (n = 317) 25 (7.9)* 130 (41.0) 162 (51.1) 497 (1.57) 75 (15.1)
8 Having many babies; > 4 (n = 309) 21 (6.8) 115 (37.2) 173 (56.0)* 770 (2.49) 519 (67.4)
9 Eating a high fatty diet (n = 314) 55 (17.5) 161 (51.3) 98 (31.2)* 671 (2.14) 294 (43.8)
10 Using the birth control pill (n = 305) 57 (18.7) 179 (58.7) 69 (22.6)* 622 (2.04) 207 (33.3)
11 Having a family history of breast cancer (n = 313) 85 (27.2)* 109 (34.8) 119 (38.0) 592 (1.89) 255 (43.1)
12 Early onset of sexual intercourse (n = 312) 69 (22.1) 144 (46.2) 99 (31.7)* 654 (2.10) 297 (45.4)
13 Having a urinary tract infection (n = 313) 79 (25.2) 158 (50.5) 76 (24.3)* 623 (1.99) 228 (36.6)
Totals 5,687 (2.02) 2,361 (41.5)
C. Knowledge of early symptoms of breast cancer (Q1, Part 3 of Questionnaire)
14 Pain in the breasts (n = 319) 164 (51.4) 91 (28.5) 64 (20.1)* 538 (1.69) 192 (35.7)
15 Chest pain (n = 313) 59 (18.8) 152 (48.6) 102 (32.6)* 669 (2.14) 306 (45.7)
16 Headache (n = 309) 66 (21.4) 103 (33.3) 140 (45.3)* 692 (2.24) 420 (60.7)
17 Breast lump (n = 314) 141 (44.9)* 118 (37.6) 55 (17.5) 714 (2.27) 423 (59.2)
18 Lump in armpit (n = 309) 67 (21.7)* 145 (46.9) 97 (31.4) 588 (1.90) 201 (34.2)
19 Unilateral nipple discharge (n = 314) 103 (32.8)* 139 (44.3) 72 (22.9) 659 (2.10) 309 (46.9)
20 Nipple discharge in a pregnant person (n = 309) 62 (20.1) 148 (47.9) 99 (32.0)* 655 (2.12) 297 (45.3)
21 Nipple discharge when squeezed (n = 313) 73 (23.3) 165 (52.7) 75 (24.0)* 628 (2.01) 225 (35.8)
Totals 5,143 (2.05) 2,373 (46.1)
Grand totals for breast cancer knowledge 13,975 (2.19)
7,098 (50.8)

-**Total Scores are derived by the sum of the following: Correct Responses (marked with *; multiply by 3) + Unsure (multiply by 2) + Incorrect (multiply by 1)

-Result Interpretation: ≥ 70% = Excellent knowledge; ≥ 50 to < 70% = Moderate knowledge; < 50% = Poor knowledge

-BSE = Breast Self-examination