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. 2018 Dec 15;59(4):E282–E300. doi: 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2018.59.4.964

Tab. IV.

Attitudes to Breast Self-Examination (BSE) among female senior secondary school students in State Government-owned schools of Otuocha Educational Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria.

S/N Description
(Question 9; Part 3 of the Questionnaire)
Total scores**
(average: 1 to 3)
Correct scores*
(% of average)
1 I am healthy and do not need to examine my breasts (n = 319) 119 (37.3) 68 (21.3) 132 (41.4)* 651 (2.04) 396 (60.8)
2 Examining my breasts by myself is important and necessary (n = 317) 216 (68.1)* 55 (17.4) 46 (14.5) 804 (2.54) 648 (80.6)
3 I am not well informed on how to examine my breasts (n = 318) 148 (46.5) 65 (20.4) 105 (33.0) NB: This item was not scored and not part of the calculations
4 I feel shy and embarrassed about examining my breasts by myself (n = 318) 61 (19.2) 54 (17.0) 203 (63.8)* 778 (2.45) 609 (78.3)
5 Examining my breasts by myself will be painful (n = 314) 57 (18.2) 95 (30.3) 162 (51.6)* 733 (2.33) 486 (66.3)
6 I am afraid that examining my breasts might reveal breast cancer (n = 314) 61 (19.4) 88 (28.0) 165 (52.5)* 732 (2.33) 495 (67.6)
7 Examining my breasts by myself will waste a lot of my time (n = 311) 54 (17.0) 79 (24.9) 184 (58.0)* 764 (2.41) 552 (72.3)
8 Examining my breasts by myself is a dirty practice and against my
values or beliefs (n = 318)
56 (17.6) 69 (21.7) 193 (60.7)* 773 (2.43) 579 (74.9)
9 I will not like to touch my breasts in the way required for me to
examine it (n = 318)
76 (23.9) 74 (23.3) 168 (52.8)* 728 (2.29) 504 (69.2)
10 If I find a suspicious lump while examining my breasts, I will see a
medical doctor rather than a traditional healer (n = 316)
230 (72.8)* 44 (13.9) 42 (13.3) 820 (2.59) 690 (83.8)
Grand totals for bse attitude 6,738 (2.19) 4,959 (73.6)

-**Total scores are derived by the sum of the following: Correct responses (marked with *; multiply by 3) + Unsure (multiply by 2) + Incorrect (multiply by 1)

-Result Interpretation: ≥ 70% = Excellent knowledge; ≥ 50 to < 70% = Moderate knowledge; < 50% = Poor knowledge