Fig. 6.
Using a seed-based approach, functional connectivity analysis was conducted for the default mode network (DMN) using three connectivity estimators for datasets across the age range. The left column demonstrates standard time series correlation (thresholded R>0.5) in data from the conventional TE (28ms) after intensity-based anatomical-functional coregistration. The middle column shows BOLD time series correlation (thresholded R>0.5) after weighted anatomicalfuncitonal co-registration and ME-ICA denoising, but without correction for BOLD complexity. Note enhanced connectivity between anterior and posterior cingulate cortices, but effects of global BOLD phenomena in some subjects. The third column shows ME-ICA and connectivity estimation using ME-ICR (thresholded Z>3, uncorrected p<0.01), which consistent anteriorposterior cingulate connectivity with an apparent age-dependent increases in long-distance versus local connectivity