Figure 4. Epithelial cell intrinsic RDH7 regulates RA signaling in the intestinal tissue including lamina propria lymphocytes.
(A) Rdh7 mRNA quantification in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) from Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC . IECs were extracted using laser capture microdissection (LCM).
(B) Western blot analysis of Rdh7 protein in small intestinal tissue from Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice.
(C) RA signaling reporter mice to assess RA signaling in Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice. Mice that harbor a RA response element (RARE) upstream of β-galactosidase (lacZ) transgene were crossed to Rdh7∆IEC and Rdh7flox/flox (D) β-galactosidase staining of small intestine from RARE_lacZ reporter transgene carrying Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice.
(E) lacZ mRNA quantification in the small intestine of RARE_lacZ reporter transgene carrying Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice.
(F) Gating strategy to isolate lamina propria lymphocytes by sorting live CD45+ cells from small intestine of RARE_lacZ reporter transgene carrying Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice. lacZ mRNA quantification in lamina propria lymphocytes isolated by sorting live CD45+ cells from small intestine of RARE_lacZ reporter transgene carrying Rdh7fl/fl and Rdh7∆IEC mice.
Figures are representing a single experiment that was repeated 3 individual times ( n=4 per group) Student’s t-test; Error bars represent SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
Also see Figure S3