Figure 5. Dual recordings in M1 and S1.
(a) Left: CO-stained tissue of the M1 and S1 forelimb representation of a P8 rat showing the location of electrodes. Right: Location of M1-S1 dual recordings for all P8 rats. M1 is shown in blue, S1 in red. Recording sites from stained tissue (left panels) are designated with yellow highlights in the right panels. (b) Same as in (a) except at P12. (c) Mean normalized perievent histograms (bin size = 10 ms) of neural activity of responsive neurons in M1 and S1 of P8 rats triggered on twitches (blue), wake movements (red), and exafferent stimulation (green). Blue plots include all twitch-responsive neurons (M1: N = 50, S1: N = 31), red plots include all wake-responsive neurons (M1: N = 21, S1: N = 18), and green plots include all twitch- or wake-responsive neurons (M1: N = 55, S1: N = 38). (d) Same as in (c) except at P12. Blue plots include all twitch-responsive neurons (M1: N = 15, S1: N = 15), red plots include all wake-responsive neurons (M1: N = 60, S1: N = 56), and green plots include all twitch- or wake-responsive neurons (M1: N = 63, S1: N = 65). (e) Cross-correlation (bin size = 1 ms) of all available pairs of responsive M1-S1 neurons, minus the shift predictor, for twitches (top row, blue) and wake movements (bottom row, red). These plots significant peaks of S1 activity at lags of 0 ms in relation to M1 activity. Gray regions denote confidence bands (p=0.01). (f) Same as in (e) except at P12.