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. 2018 Aug 30;30:297. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.297.15693

Table 1 (suite).

Summary evaluation results on theme one: Implementation

Was laboratory capacity (equipment procurement and service) strengthened through SLMTA? -Trained laboratory personnel in each country
-Participation in QMS by each country
Number of laboratory personnel trained. 50 Project reports (annual, quarterly reports),
Continuation application documents
Yes Several pieces of laboratory equipment were purchased for the participating laboratories.
SLMTA was seen as one of the best programs that the project carried out, with potentially long-lasting effects in the participating countries.
Five (50% of targeted 10) laboratories were internationally accredited under ISO 15189:2007
10 laboratories were certified with stars 1-3 under WHO SLIPTA.
Number of labs enrolled into QMS and laboratory accreditation program 20
Number of labs mentored 20
Number of labs accredited. 10
Number of laboratories with 1-3 star rankings 10
Were national laboratory strategic plans (NLSP) developed in all project countries? Existence of Strategic plans Number of NLSPs developed 10 Project reports, Continuation application documents Yes 11 NLSPs were developed in the Caribbean (the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago).
Were the various interventions coordinated appropriately? Monthly or quarterly team meetings Number of team meetings with minutes At least 4 per year Reports Partial There was central coordination from the AFENET Secretariat and regular reporting to CDC. However, over the life of the project, the implementers never had a project meeting, and the key implementers and collaborators never reached the Secretariat.
Was there a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan? -M&E plan available.
-Was the plan used?
-Written M&E plan & database
-Written decisions taken based on M&E results
Written plan Partial There was no written M&E plan, but annual reports were prepared according to the objectives of the project which implied some form of tracking of outputs.

Implementation: Yes =4, Partial = 4, Total sub questions 8, Mark 50%