Table 1 (suite).
Summary evaluation results on theme one: Implementation
Was laboratory capacity (equipment procurement and service) strengthened through SLMTA? | -Trained laboratory personnel in each country -Participation in QMS by each country |
Number of laboratory personnel trained. | 50 | Project reports (annual, quarterly reports), Continuation application documents |
Yes | Several pieces of laboratory equipment were purchased for the participating laboratories. SLMTA was seen as one of the best programs that the project carried out, with potentially long-lasting effects in the participating countries. Five (50% of targeted 10) laboratories were internationally accredited under ISO 15189:2007 10 laboratories were certified with stars 1-3 under WHO SLIPTA. |
Number of labs enrolled into QMS and laboratory accreditation program | 20 | |||||
Number of labs mentored | 20 | |||||
Number of labs accredited. | 10 | |||||
Number of laboratories with 1-3 star rankings | 10 | |||||
Were national laboratory strategic plans (NLSP) developed in all project countries? | Existence of Strategic plans | Number of NLSPs developed | 10 | Project reports, Continuation application documents | Yes | 11 NLSPs were developed in the Caribbean (the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago). |
Were the various interventions coordinated appropriately? | Monthly or quarterly team meetings | Number of team meetings with minutes | At least 4 per year | Reports | Partial | There was central coordination from the AFENET Secretariat and regular reporting to CDC. However, over the life of the project, the implementers never had a project meeting, and the key implementers and collaborators never reached the Secretariat. |
Was there a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan? | -M&E plan available. -Was the plan used? |
-Written M&E plan & database -Written decisions taken based on M&E results |
Written plan | Partial | There was no written M&E plan, but annual reports were prepared according to the objectives of the project which implied some form of tracking of outputs. |
Implementation: Yes =4, Partial = 4, Total sub questions 8, Mark 50%