1. Studies should be prospective and longitudinal. |
2. Women should be included in the study before conception. |
3. Compliance should be monitored throughout pregnancy and dose changes should be monitored. |
4. Serum levels should be monitored. |
5. Maternal use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs should be recorded. |
6. Use of folic acid should be recorded. |
7. Each hospital visit and injury should be recorded. |
8. Seizure diaries should be kept. |
9. Mothers with seizures during pregnancy should not be excluded. |
10. Subjects should be recruited by random population-based selection through pregnancy registers. |
11. Monotherapy or specific polytherapy combinations should be included. |
12. Mothers with medical complications and children who develop epilepsy should be excluded. |
13. Comparisons across AED types should be made rather than in comparison to a general population control group. |
14. Information on parental IQ and educational level should be collected. |
15. Outcomes with sufficient psychometrics should be used. |