The ft2a mutants homozygous for large fragment deletions exhibited late flowering under both long-day (LD) and short-day (SD) conditions. (A,B) Flowering phenotypes of the ft2a mutants (1618 bp deletion), WT plants, and the ft2a mutants (1 bp insertion) under SD and LD conditions, respectively. Red box, magnified view. DAE, days after emergence. (C,D) Boxplots and bar plots indicating flowering time of the ft2a mutants (1618 bp deletion), WT plants, and the ft2a mutants (1 bp insertion) under SD and LD conditions, respectively. n, exact number of individual plants identified. The flowering time is shown as the mean values ± standard deviation. ** both ft2a mutants (1618 bp deletion) and the ft2a mutants (1 bp insertion) exhibit highly significant late flowering (p < 0.01).