FIG 4.
IL-8 downregulation suppresses the activity features of CAA. (A) CAA1 cells were separately transfected with four different specific IL-8-shRNAs (CAA1-IL8sh1, CAA1-IL8sh2, CAA1-IL8sh3, and CAA1-IL8sh4), as well as a control plasmid bearing a scrambled sequence (CAA1-Ctrl), and then cell lysates were prepared and used for immunoblotting. (B) SFCM collected from the indicated cells were utilized to assess the levels of secreted IL-8 by ELISA. Error bars represent means ± the SD, and the values represent three independent experiments. *, P ≤ 0.000246. (C) Same as for Fig. 1F. (D) Cell lysates were prepared from the indicated cells and used for immunoblotting analysis. For the immunoblots, the numbers below the bands indicate the corresponding protein expression levels relative to GAPDH. The levels of phosphorylated proteins were normalized against the total amounts of the respective nonphosphorylated proteins. (E) LeaL-10 cells were exposed to SFM or SFCM from the indicated cells and then were utilized to assess the migration/invasion and proliferation capabilities by the RTCA-xCELLigence system. The graphs are representative of different experiments.