Figure 2.
Effects of synthetic pheromones on the monokaryotic S1-11 strain of L. edodes. (A) Expression of znf2 in a monokaryotic strain S1-11 at different concentrations of synthetic PHBs. Actively growing mycelia were treated with mixtures (1:1) of self PHBs or non-self PHBs for 12 h at 25 °C. (B) Clamp connections on the dikaryotic mycelia generated by the mating of S1-11 (B4 mating type) and S1-13 (B12 mating type). (C) Occurrence of pseudoclamp structures on the monokaryotic S1-11 strain upon treatment with B12 PHBs (PHB11, PHB12, PHB9, and PHB10) at a concentration of 20 μg/ml.